Graphic Summary of Alpha-Stim CES Pain Studies
ראה מידע נוסף..מחקרים על מכשירי אלפא-סטים ושיטת הטיפול לטיפול בפגיעה מוחית טראומטית |
Ryall, Jo-Ellyn. FDA moving toward CES neuromodulation approval for home use: are we ready? Missouri Psychiatry. First Quarter- 2017: 3 ראה מידע נוסף..
Kirsch, Daniel L. CES for mild traumatic brain injury. Practical Pain Management, 8(6):70-77, 2008
Fisher, Chris. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation For Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Concussion Syndrome. Th2e Behavioral Medicine Report, October 24 , 2009.
Kirsch, Daniel L. and Marksberry, Jeffrey A. Advances in Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation. Practical Pain Management, 11(3):77-81, 2011.
Heffernan, Michael. Comparative effects of microcurrent stimulation on EEG spectrum and correlation dimension. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 31(3):202-209, 1996
Schroeder, M.J., and Barr, R.E. Quantitative analysis of electroencephalogram during cranial electrotherapy stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology. 112:2075-2083, 2001. Doctoral dissertation, The Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin, 191 pages, 1999
Alpher, Elliott J., et. al. Traumatic brain injury and full body reflex sympathetic dystrophy patient treated with cranial electrotherapy stimulation. American Journal of Pain Management, 8(4):124-128, 1998. Presented at the Ninth Annual Clinical Meeting of the American Academy of Pain Management, Atlanta, Georgia, September, 1998